Monday, July 9, 2007

Goodbye is the Hardest Words to Say....

I'm a little late posting this but better late than never. This post comes with a sad opening. On Monday morning I had to say good bye to my MeMa for good and no matter how much I had prepared myself or so I thought, it still took a piece of me out. As I said before I told myself after my Papa Tye died that I was going to see my family more but didn't and the bad thing is is she lived right around the corner from my work and I never took the time to go visit unless she was sick or something and I really feel bad about that. But on the other hand I praise God for answering a prayer that I've been praying for some time now that had really been eating at me. My sister, Crystal, who hadn't had anything to do with our side of the family for some time, again unless someone passed on, went with me last Wednesday to see MeMa in the hospital, and although she may not have been able to carry on a conversation with her she said the most important thing over and over which was I Love You and Crystal told her the same and I got a little emotional. It was like a great burden was lifted from my shoulders that night. So on Monday when we went to the funeral home of course just about all of our family was there including our Dad, which is another thing all together. I have no clue about what happened with all this but I do know that seeing her talking to and hugging people she hadn't seen in forever was just awesome, especially when her and our dad settled their debt so to speak , I just about lost it, but I didn't. After seeing this I just felt an incredible peace and I knew that my prayer had been answered Our God is an Awesome God comes to mind......On another note I took a quiz that Crystal had told me about at it's kinda like the DNA thing, but cooler because it gives you a pirate name at the end of it, and if ya'll know me then you know I'm a pirate fanatic.Anyway my pirate name is Iron William Vane. pretty cool huh? Another mishap was tonight at praise team practice when my amp went out right before we did Sing to the King which is one of my favorite songs to get 'garagey" as Robbie says, on. But no such luck and yes I had to play it on the acoustic, needless to say it wasn't quite the same...hmm why do people say needless to say and then say something after it?.....if it's needless to say then why say it?? sorry that thought just hit me...Any hoo that's enough ramblin' I just ask that you keep my family in your prayers and that God will give me the knowledge of how to go about fixin' this amp before Sunday.....And to my sister thank you!!I love ya sis.
Til next time ya land lubbers....
Cap'm Iron William Vane


Crystal said...


Marty said...

Hello Willie,
I am so sorry for your loss. I just want you to know that I love you and will always be here for you. I am so very proud of you and what you have done with your life. I don't get to see you much but you have become the man I knew you would.

Aunt Marty