Monday, July 9, 2007

She'll Go on You

Hi there. I should have posted last night but alas i didn't. Last night brother Eric Spann delivered a sermon on the dangers of drinking and it really hit home because i was once there also. You become a slave to the bottle and do and say stupid things that often hurt the ones around you, but you don't always remember it the next morning. I just pray that our youth was listening, because i know that they will face it if they haven't already. Anyway you did an awesome job Eric thank you for your message. This post isn't going to last too long because I learned today that my grandmother isn't doing too well and i'm just kinda in the dumps, because after my Papa Tye died I told myself that I was gonna see my family more, but of course those were only good intentions. So not too long after that my cousin died from drowning, and that really just caught me off guard the same way that it did when one of my best friends died from drowning, and i blamed myself because i was at my dad's house when it happened and i just kept thinking that if i would have been at home then we probably would have been hanging out with our other friends, but in reality i guess it was time for him to go home and it wouldn't have mattered. But anyway i've lost contact with my family over the past 10-12 years and it seems like the only time i see them is when we lose someone and i just hate that, i just don't feel like it should be that way, but i make it that way. My grandmother lives right around the corner from my work and i never go by there until someone calls and says MeMa is sick or something and there's just no excuse for that. I'm planning on going to see her wednesday in the hospital, so i just ask to keep her in your prayers. I don't know alot about what's happened in the past years, but i know one thing. that is she would do anything when it came to her children. She's run herself to death i think, because no matter where they were or what they needed or no matter how bad she felt, she would always go to them and try to help them. My dad is already taking it pretty hard and it's just hard to even listen to him talk about it, but i feel there's nothing i can do about it. This whole thing reminds me of a Josh Turner song called She'll Go on You, and this song talks about your daughter leaving, your wife of girlfriend leaving if you don't love her or treat her right, and then it talks about your mother passing on. It says that she's not as strong everyday and that you should thank her for taking care of you and waiting up on you and that sort of thing, and i just couldn't imagine not having my mom, eventhough we don't talk all that please keep my father in your prayers also. well that's all i got to say about that. till next time.......
Cap'm Willie

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